Digital Transformation

Accelerate digital transformation while mitigating its risks
digital transform

What is Digital Transformation?

Digital transformation is the use of the cloud, machine learning, artificial intelligence, automation, and other digital technologies to optimize how businesses operate, improve efficiency, enhance customer experience, make data-driven decisions, reduce costs, and faster innovation.


In a world where most interactions are now virtual, organizations must digitize to remain relevant. IT teams play a vital role in accelerating digital journeys, but they need to modernize and overcome the challenges of transformation.

A symbolic representation of white color speedometer on transparent background.

Loss of control

Enforcing SLAs and predicting costs in the cloud

Person showing performance metrics

Constant change

Difficult to prioritize, manage and validate initiatives

web global white transparent background

Legacy infrastructure

Not built for cloud. Rigid and error-prone


Cloud Migration

Take control of cloud migration

Change Management

Ensure success of both strategic and tactical IT initiatives

Customer Stories

Explore How Riverbed Empowers the Digital Experience of Organizations Worldwide


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Reach the full potential of your digital investments with Riverbed
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